Use the member management system has the function of cashier settlement solve what problem?

by:Goodcom     2021-02-04
More and more young people abandoned the traditional way of cash payment, it also promoted the offline businesses collective use pay treasure, WeChat credit boom. This convenient payment collection process, and avoid the cashier change link in many businesses have a headache, become the mainstream way to pay the cashier.

use store cashier and settlement functions of surplus easy member management system, businesses can easily solve many problems:
1. The diversity of payment
the consumption amount of pay treasure and WeChat platform limitation, partial businessman, when clearing, when customer consumption amount is bigger, use mobile payment platform is unable to pay. And use the member management system, cashier and settlement, not only can use pay treasure, WeChat scan code to pay, also can choose according to the settlement amount and consumer demand a variety of payment. And register as a business member to receive the membership card after, still can directly use the membership card stored value consumption and integral payment way.
2。 Print invoice detail
the use of mobile payment and settlement, consumers to buy payment platform, a query can be used to record, but not detailed statement records, such as commodity price, the amount of real pay, whether offer information, and so on, can print receipts for customer review to verify, convenience of our customers query consumption situation in a timely manner.
3。 Data statistics report
marketing activities such as sales promotion, store, and holiday activities, its traffic increased, clinch a deal the order data, to store business management statistics, and profitability analysis activity effect, there are a lot of pressure. Member management system, and using the cloud with merchants not only can easily solve the peak consumption and settlement work, also can store online consumption statistics to generate reports, financial accounting and fast without mistakes, greatly improve the efficiency of management activity analysis work.
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